Friday, 14 February 2014

TESTAR Family Tree (Updates & Errata)

ID numbers, highlighted in yellow, are listed below in numerical order.

ID:17  Emily TESTAR   (page 255)
Emily's 1845 burial record at St Mary, Paddington Green, obtained via

ID:18 John Keene TESTAR   (page 256)
His marriage record to Mary Woart (Weart?) SMITH, in which we learn that Mary's father was an Office Keeper (source: :

ID:30 Agnes Mary Josephine TESTAR   (page 261)
(also see page 171 in the SYMES Family Tree).
An exciting find!  Finally I tracked down some details of Agnes's arrival in Calcutta. Having departed from Southampton, she arrived in June 1850, apparently unaccompanied, just a month before her marriage to Robert Lewis William READ. The vessel was the steamer/sailing ship 'Hindoostan' (usually spelled 'Hindostan' in most records). There is a photo of the 'Hindoostan' departing Southampton on its maiden voyage in 1842...

The artist has contrived to depict the vessel sailing directly into a headwind, a fact which would not have escaped unnoticed at the time, given that steam engines were a relatively recent innovation on the high seas, especially on international voyages. For India, this was cutting edge modern stuff, the maritime equivalent of the new-fangled Railways on dry land.

For the sake of context, here is a photo of Agnes's point of arrival (Chandpal Ghat, Calcutta) as it was in 1850 when she arrived:

ID:69   Agnes READ  aka "Aunt Aggie(page 266)
(also see CHRISTIANA Family Tree, p.193)
From the NZ Archives comes this photo captioned "Agnes Read playing tennis" at the New Plymouth Tennis Club, dated very approximately 1910 (1900-1916). In the background on the hill is the New Plymouth Hospital